Good evening everyone. When I checked my blog just now I found that
Angela had left me this lovely award. Thank you so much Angela, I am very chuffed to receive this award. Angela makes beautiful cards and I love to check out her blog. You should have a look too.
Here are the instructions to accept this award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name seven things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave comments on all seven blogs letting them know you nominated them.
So what's interesting about me?
1. I have 3 great grown up children.
2. I have always crafted - from knitting, crochet, cross stitch, tapestry and now card making!
3. I have a science degree from the Open University.
4. I'm a newish blogger but I think I may be addicted to challenges.
5. I've been married for 33 years - wow is it that long!!!
6. One of the first things we bought after we got married was a dog and we have never been without one since.
7. I am going to be a granny for the second time in October.
I would like to nominate:
VickyAll of these ladies make wonderful cards and are very talented.